Ready to serve?
The first step is to send an initial tribute of $50. Respectful subs will have the initial put towards the cost of the session or product.
After you’ve sent the initial tribute via any of my tribute methods below, you may reach out to me on my platforms, or via e-mail:
Should you choose to e-mail me, be sure to attach proof of your tribute.
All Amazon gift cards should be sent to the e-mail above.
“But Goddess, I don’t want to send the initial tribute because I only want to ask you a quick question.”
So do thousands of other subs, just like you.
Spending my leisure time entertaining the questions of large swarms of men for free doesn’t sound much like femdom, does it?
“But Goddess, before I send the initial tribute I just want to ask you about pricing to make sure I can afford a session with you.”
I’ll make this easy for you: If you’re unsure of whether you can afford a session with a very popular Domme, you probably can’t.
Move along now.
“But Goddess, I’m not into financial domination.”
While it’s amusing that you think sending $50 is anything close to findom, you need to know that initial tributes are a way for you to prove that you’re ready to serve. You know the large swarm of men looking for free attention? The initial tribute distinguishes you from them.